sábado, 11 de setembro de 2010

Post #5: Miller's layout in 300

Chapter 3: Layout aspects, p. 51

Works from the same artist may also present different layout patterns. Frank Miller, for instance, is known for a great diversity in this aspect. Each of his present-day works displays a distinct quality and some of them have unusual or totally irregular page layouts in which the idea of strips as an essential element of the comics medium is completely abandoned. In general, the artist regularly employs full-page, larger-than-a-page and even double-page panoramic compositions, upon which small frames are sometimes superimposed.

A larger-than-a-page and a double-page compositions (back and front covers in Miller’s 300).


These extremely large compositions sometimes get to cross the hyperframe of the page, causing the page to resemble a painting or even a film photogram. Perhaps because of this auteurial characteristic, Miller’s works have inspired several adaptations to cinema. This is the case of 300, a 2007 film by director Zack Snyder.

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