sábado, 11 de setembro de 2010

Post #6: Layout in Sin City

Chapter 3: Layout aspects, p. 53

Regular three- and four-strip pages (strips similar in height and width) are quite uncommon in Sin City. There are around eight of them in Sin City: The Hard Good-Bye’s 200 pages. Strips of similar height, but divided in different ways (columns of irregular sizes) are a little more common; they occur on approximately ten pages. Equally sized panels covering a whole page are extremely rare; only three cases were found (a three-by-three, a three-by-two and a two-by-three grid on pages 73, 36 and 19 respectively.

Examples from The Hard Goodbye: Regular three- and four-strip pages (68; 77), strips of equal height, but divided in irregular columns (167) and equally-sized panels forming a three-by-three grid on a page (73).

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